
Category: Drinking Water

What is Healthy Water?

The most common questions we receive as water treatment professionals are, “What is healthy water?” Or “Is my water healthy?”   Naturally, water itself is

How Can I Make My Water Healthier?

Ultimately, whatever the source of your water, it is going to have some downsides. After the government regulates the first group of contaminants, which is

Why Is My Tap Water Cloudy?

Cloudy tap water has a few causes. Two common sources of cloudy water are relatively non-harmful. A common, non-harmful source of cloudy water is air.

Water Science: Penta-Hydrate

The internet is a weird place. Of late, we’ve had more calls and questions over some of these scientifically sketchy claims of ‘new water technology’ than ever before. Fortunately, real scientists have taken steps to debunk this pseudoscience.

Fertilizer in Drinking Water

We know that fertilizers and pesticides are directly related to various cancers, but didn’t know the leading source of fertilizers per acre until recently.

The Irony Of Bottle Bans

March 24 From “A boil order remained in place Monday for about 6,000 people in Spokane Valley as new details emerged about how people were notified. ”

March 25 From Ban the Bottle: “Congratulations to Western Washington University! After nearly 3 years of campaigning, WWU has voted to end the sale of bottled water on their campus beginning April 1, 2014.”

Chlorine In Drinking Water

Chlorine in drinking water isn’t new, nor is research documenting the nearly doubled risks of cancer. Removing chlorine from your drinking water is easy, cost-effective and dramatically reduces the cost and waste of bottled water.

Seattle looking at bottled water ban?

Looks like the Seahawks v. 49ers feud has spilled over a bit.

Looks like Seattle is doing what it can to one-up San Francisco on bottled water bans.

We applaud the environmentally-conscious and 100% agree that plastic bottle waste is extensive, totaling upwards of 13% of our annual landfill waste. What we tend to question is not the merit of the concept of reducing bottled water waste, but “tap-is-never-bad” beliefs of our friends at organizations like

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